Monday, October 15, 2007

Don't take it too seriously!

America the great with millions of intelligent mind stepping on its beautiful, glorious country.

Yet, undecided?

None of them are great enough?

They all talk the same talk, yet none of them walk their talk?
None of them seemed to be able to walk on their conviction?

American has no faith on theses bunches of great candidates to lead their country, their life?

This might helped you made up your mind:

Posted on The Economist Blog dated October 11, 2007

A COLLEAGUE just passed me Mark Halperin's new book, "The Undecided Voter's Guide to the Next President". In it you'll find easy-to-read profiles of the leading candidates, and for these alone the book is worth its $10 price tag. But Mr Halperin also includes some salient, but perhaps less-well-known, facts about the candidates. Here's a sampling:

-John McCain and Hillary Clinton "reportedly engaged in a vodka drinking contest...during an official trip to Estonia in 2004."

-Mitt Romney was declared dead by a policeman after surviving a serious car accident as a missionary in France.

-While living in Indonesia Barack Obama's family had a pet ape named Tata and "some crocodiles, which were kept in a concrete tub."

-Bill Richardson received a Vietnam draft deferment because of a deviated septum.

-Ron Paul lists his home address and phone number on his campaign website (though this blogger couldn't find them).

-Back in high school Mr Obama signed his last name using a big "O" with an afro on top.

And now you're ready to vote.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Cute Little Strawbale or Cob House in the City?

I fell in love with a huge bulky wall home...

Yes, I thought it felt earthy and comforting.

Tiny space....really, how much living space do we really need.

I felt at home when I am closer to nature.

These fine people was constructing a model house composed of Recycled Greenhouse attached to partially Strawbale & Cobb house attachement.

If you are interested to visit the site, visit:

City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

Is there really ten thousand buddhas on the whole wall of it's temple up in Ukiah?

I didn't count and could care less. All I remembered about City of Ten Thousand Buddhas reflect peace and solitude on the face of this earth.

That's all I need that day.

I have had my piece of cake, I don't need another piece.

Contentment is the word.

Can we, average human being able to reject another piece of cake, another gram of gold, another carat of diamond, additional square footage of house, another piece of that green dollar?

Is it possible?

Are we out of our mind to reject another piece of that guey, chocolaty brownie?

Apparently it had been done before, as Norah Jones's interview in 60 minutes.

She was content with only one piece of cake.

Can you?